I recently tried some of Us Moms fertility tests and pregnancy tests. The packaging came quickly and it was very discretely packaged. First I want to tell you a little about the company.
Us Moms is a family owned fertility and trying to conceive business. You can buy products online at our store to aid in your trying to conceive efforts. Some of the products we sell are: pregnancy tests, ovulation tests, fertility tests, fertility lubricant such as Pre-seed and more. Our goal is to sell these great products at a much lower price than our competitors.
Recently, I was told that I may never have children. Me and my spouse went through a lot trying to conceive. Things that I would never wish upon anyone. The few years taught me a lot about trying to conceive and fertility. I did not want the efforts to go to waste. I strongly believe that everything happens for a reason. I may not have children now, but I can make it okay. I can celebrate my angel's lives, no matter how short.
I decided to create Us Moms in hopes to, not only create a good future for myself and my children, but to help other women do the same. I hope that we can help in every single way. I sincerely hope that you are satisfied after you leave here today. A thank you goes out to everyone for their support- we really do appreciate every order, review and comment.
The first item I am going to tell you about is her Fertility FHS test. The FSH test, or Follicle-stimulating hormone test, was designed for times where elevated levels of the follicle-stimulating hormone is associated with infertility or menopause. Many women wonder about the quality of their eggs and if they are about to reach menopause. It is a natural feeling to think that if you do not get pregnant now, you might not have enough time. All of our biological clocks are constantly clicking. One way to ease your mind for an inexpensive cost right from the comfort of your own home if to use a FSH Test.
Women who are suffering infertility, missed menstrual cycles, or irregular ovulation can use our FSH test to see if their symptoms are related to elevated follicle-stimulating hormone levels. A FSH test may be taken to help determine fertility issues and evaluate a woman's egg quality.
When you are testing for elevated follicle-stimulating hormone levels, you can either have a blood test done or use a urine FSH test at home. Obviously, the cheaper and easier way to test your fertility would be by using a FSH test at home. A FSH test is commonly used in fertility clinics around the world to evaluate a women's egg quality or supply.
A FSH test can also be used to evaluate irregular or even absent menstrual cycles. Thus, a FSH test can help determine whether a woman has gone through menopause or is about to experience menopause.
Women who are suffering infertility, missed menstrual cycles, or irregular ovulation can use our FSH test to see if their symptoms are related to elevated follicle-stimulating hormone levels. A FSH test may be taken to help determine fertility issues and evaluate a woman's egg quality.
When you are testing for elevated follicle-stimulating hormone levels, you can either have a blood test done or use a urine FSH test at home. Obviously, the cheaper and easier way to test your fertility would be by using a FSH test at home. A FSH test is commonly used in fertility clinics around the world to evaluate a women's egg quality or supply.
A FSH test can also be used to evaluate irregular or even absent menstrual cycles. Thus, a FSH test can help determine whether a woman has gone through menopause or is about to experience menopause.
She carries 3 different tests. FSH Test Strips, FSH Cassette Device Tests and FSH Midstream Tests.
Next I will tell you about her ovulation strips.
Ovulation Test
An ovulation test is a test that detects your Lh Surge and thus, when you are going to ovulate. An ovulation test can be taken right at home for cheap and you can buy them online. Not very many women know what an ovulation test even is or that they even existed. Women often buy ovulation tests when they have been trying to conceive for several months with no lock. Ovulation tests are a great way to track when you ovulate and help you get pregnant now. Not only that, they are quite cheap to buy and you can buy them online for privacy.What is an Ovulation Test?
An ovulation test is a test that can be taken right from home and can tell you in advance when you are going to ovulate. They are very cheap and quite easy to use. You can buy them in the store or you can buy them online for really cheap. They are also 99% accurate, FDA and Health Canada approved, very sensitive and the results are very easy to read. Right before a women ovulates, her Estrogen levels are higher than normal. These higher levels trigger your Lh Surge, which is a surge of the Luteinizing Hormone. This Lh Surge can be detected using an Lh Surge test, which is also called an ovulation test or an OPK.What is OPK?
OPK stands for an "Ovulation Predictor Kit", which is the same as an ovulation test that detects your Lh Surge. This test can tell you when you are going to ovulate. OPK is a short way of saying it and many women who are trying to conceive use the term, "OPK". When you are in the forums or reading a blog and you see this term used, these are the tests that they are referring to.Many women have no idea what an OPK is until they have begun trying to conceive. When they learn what an OPK is, they are shocked to see how cheap they are to buy online. Either way, OPKs are a great tool to detect your Lh Surge.How Do They Detect When I will Ovulate?
These OPK tests detect your Lh Surge. Your Lh Surge happens about 24-48 hours before you will ovulate. The test will turn positive, just like a pregnancy test, a few days before you are going to release an egg from your ovary. This is a great way to plan ahead and know exactly when you are fertile. A women only has 24-hours a month to conceive and not know when you are going to ovulate can make conceiving almost impossible. If the egg that is released during ovulation is not fertilized within about 24-hours, it will begin to disintegrate and can no longer be fertilized by sperm. That is why detecting your Lh Surge, and thus your ovulation, using an OPK is very important.

Ovulation Midstream Tests which retails for $1.80
These really worked for me and clearly showed when I was ovulating.

Lastly I tried some of her pregnancy tests. Ultra Early Pregnancy Test
The earliest pregnancy test available on the market today has a sensitivity of 10 mIU/ml. That means that the earliest pregnancy test can detect hCG, the pregnancy hormone, at a level of only 10 mIU/ml. Obviously the higher that number is, the less sensitive the home pregnancy test is. First Response has the most sensitive one available to buy in person but the tests only have a sensitivity of 12 mIU/ml. Our earliest pregnancy test beats that! You know what else? Ours are about 95% cheaper; allowing you to buy that much more! That's great news for you pee-on-a-stick addicts! If you were to buy a one month supply of kits from the drug store, you would be spending near $100.00! You could get 100 here for that price, sell them to your friends and make a profit! That's how ridiculous the price is for those drugstore ones.
Our early pregnancy tests are just as good as the drugstore ones. They are over 99% accurate with a 97.8% specificity (meaning they have a 98.7% of not not detecting any other hormone other than the pregnancy hormone, hCG). They have a high sensitivity, they are FDA and Health Canada approved and they are way cheaper.Our early detection at home pregnancy tests are very easy to use and easy to read. The test strip comes int he widest form to allow for easy to read results. With these accurate home pregnancy tests, you can detect conception as early as only 6 days past ovulation. That's around a week before your expected period!
Although my pregnancy tests were negative and I didnt get a BFp it clearly showed that I was not pregnant and the line was very dark and clear. These are great and I will continue to use this company
I recieved these items for review purposes. My opinions are honest and I was not paid for this review.
I'm sorry you didn't conceive :( Keep us updated on your TTC journey!